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About These Stations

The Station #1 is powered by a Honeywell TE831W weather station located in Old Fields, WV at the home of KD8AZC. The data is collected every 120 seconds and the site is updated every 5 minutes. This site and its data is collected using WUHU software. The station comprises of an anemometer at 30ft, rain gauge and a 24hr fan aspirated thermo-hydro sensor at 5ft. All situated in optimal positions for highest accuracy possible.

The Station #2 is powered by a Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station located in Old Fields, WV at the home of KD8AZC. The data is collected using Weatherlink and the site is updated every 5 minutes. The station comprises of an anemometer at 55ft, rain guage and thermo-hydro sensor at 6ft. All positioned optimally for the highest accuracy possible.

About This weather website

Templates are originally based on the template which came from Designs by Haran, and the Davis Weatherlink template.